Ok friends, this post is a little different from most (no rhyming was intended here, but it works). But since this is a photography blog there will of course be photos! So don't panic.
I love my job, and for those of you who don't know what I do...I am a photographer. (I know your thinking...Right?!) but I am actually a professional photographer for a major publishing company in the ham.
So at my job I have some of the most lovely and talented friends. All girls..how fun is that. And we have get-to-togethers all the time.
Last week one such friend,
Malinda; was celebrating her...take a deep breath...26th bday...ahhh, wow that's hard to swallow I know! So we had a fiesta themed party for her. And it was awesome. Chantel (our very on chef) did all the food and drinks herself and oh my it was good. Jordan and
Jessica did the decorations and were the hostesses!And I of course did the photography! What's a party with no pictures. Look how freaking adorable it all was...

Plus I have a big announcement! These girls, myself, and a few others with amazing talents are working on a little side project(a NEW, lovely, yummy, delicate, and wonderfully southern blog). It's still in the works but trust me you want to stick around for the big reveal!
Once we have decided on name we will spill the beans with more details! And I promise with all this talent wrapped up together you will not be disappointed.