So let's start with that, I'm officially full time freelance photographer/ stay at home mom! Yep, it happened and I'm pumped.
It's been quite an adjustment but we are handling it well, and Hudson (my 17th month old) is LOVING it, to say the least.
The biggest change though has been the job aspect of our lives. My best friend and I have started a new business together! If one photographer is a good idea then two is twice as good, right?! That's what we thought too. So here it is ..... Spark & Arrow!
Please go check out our portfolio at, follow us on Instagram at Spark and Arrow Creative and email us if you are in need of any photography or styling services at We would absolutely love to be a part of your life!
I'll still be updating this blog periodically but Spark & Arrow is where most of the action will be!
Thank you all for so many years or love and support, I can't wait to see you in the new year at Spark & Arrow!
But enough business for now let's talk something more fun! This year I had so many requests for Mini Sessions in the fall that I've had to do three days! And they were some of my absolute favorites, so I'm really excited to post a few from my second day shooting out at Ross Bridge. I met so many new families and made lots of new friends and hopefully return customers in the process!
Enjoy these few images and come back later this week for more!