Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh hump-day

I love Wednesdays. Mainly because if its Wednesday it isn't Monday and its almost Friday which means a half day of work and the weekend. However; some weekends only bring me more work. Like this past weekend for example. I had a lovely wedding to photograph at Chateau Toots. It was an all day event and needless to say my whole body hurts. Like I have been hit by a bus hurts, Cory laughs thinking I'm being over dramatic but its true doing a wedding all day is tough stuff. And my body is saying thank you for working me so hard this weekend, here is a little pay back. So here I am in pain. I even took a two hour soak in a hot, hot, very hot bath last night...and unlike public does nothing.
But the wedding was lovely and simple and the lake side venue made it. Here is my favorite image so far of the bride getting ready.

The rest of my weekend was just as lovely. Friday afternoon I got off at noon, as always (if a shoot doesn't take over) and went home and cleaned my house. Some of my house that is. And then I laid around and did nothing until my sweet husband got in from work.
We met my sister and josh and another friend Beth and her husband Patrick for dinner and movie. It was a fun adult night with no babies. On Saturday, Cory got up early and left for a day of golf while I lay in bed happily asleep for several more hours and then I headed to the pool for the rest of the day. We had dinner at the Grille, out favorite in town spot and went to bed early. Oh I love my weekends. Full of Cory and nothing much else.
Enjoy the image above and the rest of your hump-day. You are officially one day closer to the weekend!

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