How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was great. We did nothing. Well maybe not nothing. Of course we worked at the house some...I am almost finished with the living room and then I can start decorating it. That will be the best part, for me anyways...Cory is just ready to live there! As am I ...but I get to wait a little longer than he does!
The kitchen is also almost finished and ready to lavish with "things", things that are at this moment taking up residence in my bedroom floor at my parents house!
We spent the day Thursday with our families! They overlapped for about an hour, but we managed to make appearances at both!!
Friday..oh heavens. We went shopping! Totally Cory's idea. We bought each other a flat screen for Christmas...that is one for our living room not one for each of us. And we had the bright idea to try and take part in those Black Friday sales! We did. Got our Television at quite a reduced price. After, however waking up at 4am, standing in line at Wal-mart with 4oo-10000 crazy mothers and women with their game faces on and ready to fight for those pink Barbie jeeps!! Never again. never. They blew one of those bull horns at 5 oclock to open the doors, I was totally embarrassed to be there and now with the sound of the bull horn ringing in my ears I felt as if we were preparing to run with bulls in Mexico!! Or rather I sort of felt like cattle being herded into the slaughtering house. Let me tell you it was an experience.
But it was worth it. Cory got his television and played with it the rest of the day!
I got a vacuum cleaner...lime green...for only $28! My mom keeps telling to stop buying things that people will buy for all the up coming wedding showers, but for that price I just could resist.

Maaaan. Now I have to take back the TV & vacuum cleaner I got you! Ugh. Okay, I have to think now.
haha. If you bought them...then we will take ours back and wait on yours to arrive at the front door!!!
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